Privacy Notice

Merci de visiter notre site Web exploité par Moderntere (la "Société"). Nous nous engageons à offrir une expérience de shopping en ligne passionnante et sécurisée, ainsi qu'un niveau élevé de service personnel synonyme de la Société. Cet engagement inclut le respect et la protection de la confidentialité de vos informations personnelles.

Cette politique de confidentialité décrit les types d'informations que nous collectons auprès de vous lorsque vous visitez notre site Web (chaque "Site"). Les Sites et toutes les fonctionnalités qui y sont disponibles sont collectivement désignés sous le nom de "Services". Cette politique de confidentialité explique également comment la Société peut utiliser et partager vos informations personnelles, ainsi que votre capacité à contrôler certaines utilisations de celles-ci.

En utilisant les Services, vous acceptez la collecte, l'utilisation et la divulgation de vos informations telles que décrites dans cette politique de confidentialité, y compris le transfert et le stockage de vos informations personnelles aux États-Unis/Canada/Hong Kong, et vous acceptez les Conditions d'utilisation qui sont incorporées par référence. Si vous n'êtes pas d'accord, veuillez ne pas accéder ni utiliser les Services.

Q : Quelles informations la Société collecte-t-elle ?

R : La Société peut collecter des informations vous concernant de plusieurs manières, notamment :

À partir des interactions de la Société avec vous : Nous collectons des informations vous concernant et concernant vos transactions et autres interactions avec nous. Cela peut inclure lorsque vous utilisez les Services, effectuez un achat, vous inscrivez à notre catalogue, newsletters ou listes de diffusion par e-mail, participez à des tirages au sort, concours ou autres promotions, participez à un avis sur un produit, une enquête ou d'autres programmes similaires, envoyez un cadeau ou une carte-cadeau virtuelle à une personne, ou nous contactez d'une autre manière.

Si vous effectuez un achat auprès de nous, nous pouvons également collecter l'adresse de facturation.

Informations que vous fournissez concernant un tiers : Si vous envoyez à quelqu'un d'autre une communication à partir des Services, nous pouvons collecter des informations telles que le nom de cette personne, son numéro de téléphone, son adresse e-mail et/ou son adresse de livraison.

Automatiquement sur le site : Nous, ou nos prestataires de services, pouvons utiliser des cookies, des balises web/pixels, des fichiers journaux, JavaScript et d'autres technologies pour collecter certaines informations non personnelles sur les visiteurs de notre site, les utilisateurs de nos services en ligne et les interactions avec nos e-mails et nos publicités en ligne, et pour permettre à la Société de suivre les analyses et certaines informations statistiques. Par exemple, nous pouvons collecter des informations telles que le type de navigateur, le type de système d'exploitation ou le modèle de dispositif mobile, les pages Web consultées, les liens qui sont cliqués, l'adresse IP, l'identifiant du dispositif mobile ou tout autre identifiant unique, les sites visités avant de venir sur notre site Web, la durée de consultation ou d'utilisation du site, le nombre de visites ou d'autres données de clics ou d'utilisation du site, les e-mails que nous envoyons et que vous ouvrez, transférez ou sur lesquels vous cliquez pour accéder à notre site. La collecte de ces informations, ainsi que leur association avec vos informations personnelles, nous aide à personnaliser notre site Web et à améliorer votre expérience de shopping en ligne en enregistrant vos préférences lorsque vous visitez un site particulier, et à identifier les caractéristiques du site, les promotions, les publicités et les offres susceptibles de vous intéresser particulièrement, ainsi qu'à retarget les publicités en ligne et mobiles sur les ordinateurs ou les dispositifs que vous pouvez utiliser.

À partir de sources tierces : Nous pouvons obtenir des informations auprès d'autres sources pour mettre à jour ou compléter les informations que vous fournissez ou que nous recueillons automatiquement (telles que des informations pour valider ou mettre à jour votre adresse ou d'autres informations démographiques), ou lorsque vous vous connectez à l'entreprise par l'intermédiaire d'une tierce partie (y compris via les réseaux sociaux) en fonction de votre enregistrement et de vos paramètres de confidentialité sur ces sites tiers.

Combinaison d'informations : Nous pouvons combiner les informations que nous recevons de vous ou vous concernant, y compris les informations que vous nous fournissez et les informations que nous recueillons automatiquement par le biais du site, ainsi que les informations sur d'autres ordinateurs ou dispositifs que vous utilisez, avec les informations que nous collectons ou recevons à votre sujet à partir d'autres sources en ligne et hors ligne, ou à partir d'autres sources tierces.

Analyses et publicités tierces : Nous pouvons également utiliser des publicités, des analyses et des outils de suivi tiers pour mieux comprendre qui utilise le site, comment les gens utilisent le site, comment améliorer l'efficacité des services et du contenu connexe, et pour nous aider, ainsi que ces tiers, à diffuser des publicités plus ciblées sur Internet. Ces tiers peuvent utiliser des technologies telles que les cookies, les balises web, les pixels, les fichiers journaux, les cookies Flash ou d'autres technologies pour collecter et stocker des informations non personnelles. Ils peuvent également combiner les informations qu'ils recueillent lors de votre interaction avec le site avec des informations qu'ils recueillent auprès d'autres sources. Nous n'avons pas accès à, ni de contrôle sur, l'utilisation des cookies ou d'autres technologies de suivi par ces tiers.

Q : Quelles sont mes options de suivi ?

R : Certaines parties du site nécessitent des cookies. En vous inscrivant et en utilisant les Services, vous consentez à l'utilisation de cookies. Si vous n'acceptez pas l'utilisation de cookies, vous ne pouvez pas utiliser les Services. Voici une description des quatre catégories de cookies et des exemples de la manière dont nous les utilisons pour vous fournir les Services :

Cookies Strictement Nécessaires - Ces cookies sont essentiels pour vous permettre de naviguer sur le site web et d'utiliser les fonctionnalités d'un site web, et sans eux, les Services ne peuvent pas être fournis. Nous utilisons ces cookies, entre autres, pour reconnaître et maintenir votre statut de connexion tout au long de votre visite et pour gérer votre panier d'achat.

Cookies de Performance - Ces cookies recueillent des informations sur la manière dont les visiteurs utilisent les Services, par exemple, les pages qu'ils visitent et s'ils reçoivent des messages d'erreur. Ces informations ne vous identifient pas individuellement et sont utilisées de manière globale pour améliorer nos Services.

Cookies de Fonctionnalité - Ces cookies nous permettent de mémoriser certaines de vos préférences quant à la manière dont vous souhaitez utiliser les Services et de vous offrir une expérience plus personnalisée, par exemple, vos préférences de pays de livraison et de devise.

Cookies de Ciblage - Ces cookies sont utilisés pour diffuser des publicités en ligne qui sont pertinentes pour vous et vos centres d'intérêt, ainsi que pour mesurer l'efficacité des campagnes publicitaires. Ils peuvent être placés sur les Services par nous ou par nos partenaires publicitaires avec notre autorisation. Pour en savoir plus sur les cookies de ciblage et sur votre capacité à contrôler leur utilisation, veuillez consulter la section Publicité basée sur Internet ci-dessous.

    Notre système peut ne pas répondre aux demandes ou en-têtes Do Not Track de certains navigateurs, voire de tous. Nous pouvons utiliser des cookies ou d'autres technologies pour diffuser des publicités plus pertinentes et pour lier des données collectées sur d'autres ordinateurs ou appareils que vous pourriez utiliser.

    Pour comprendre vos choix en matière de publicité plus pertinente ou pour gérer vos paramètres, veuillez consulter les informations ci-dessous :

    Pour en savoir plus sur la gestion de votre vie privée et de vos paramètres de stockage, et pour refuser les cookies des annonceurs tiers, vous pouvez visiter la page de désinscription de la Network Advertising Initiative à l'adresse et et suivre les instructions pour vous désinscrire. Pour des instructions spécifiques sur la manière de vous désinscrire des services publicitaires de Criteo, veuillez consulter la Politique de confidentialité de Criteo à l'adresse

    Si vous souhaitez empêcher l'utilisation de vos données par Google Analytics, Google a développé le module complémentaire de navigateur Google Analytics opt-out, disponible à l'adresse De plus, des informations sur les cookies, y compris sur la manière de les refuser, sont disponibles sur le site : Sur votre appareil mobile, vous pouvez également ajuster vos paramètres de confidentialité et de publicité pour contrôler si vous souhaitez recevoir une publicité plus pertinente.

    We or our service providers may also use Flash cookies (also known as Local Stored Objects) or other similar technologies. A Flash cookie is a small data file placed on a computer using Adobe Flash or similar technology that may be built into your computer or downloaded or installed by you on your computer. We use these technologies to personalize and enhance your online experience, facilitate processes, and personalize and store your settings. Flash cookies may help our website visitors to, for example, set volume preference associated with a video experience, play games and perform surveys. They help us improve our websites by measuring which areas are of greatest interest to customers. They may be recognized by other websites or by our marketing or business partners. Flash cookies are different from browser cookies and the cookie management tools provided by your browser may not remove Flash cookies. To learn how to manage privacy and storage settings for Flash cookies, visit flashplayer/help/settings_manager.html. If you disable Flash cookies or other similar technologies, please be aware that you may not have access to certain features and services that make your online experience more efficient and enjoyable.

    Q: How does the Company use the information collected?

    A: The Company may use the information we collect from and about you for any of the following purposes

    • To validate, confirm, verify, deliver, install, and track your order (including to process payment card transactions, arrange for shipping, handle returns and refunds, maintain a record of the purchases you make, and contact you about your orders, including by telephone) or to service products you purchased from us.
    • To enhance your online shopping experience, including as a way to recognize you and welcome you to the Site.
    • To send you catalogs, information, newsletters, promotional materials and other offerings from the Company or on behalf of our partners and affiliates.
    • To provide you with customized Site content, targeted offers, promotions and advertising on the Site, through other third party sites or apps, or via email, text messages, that are offered by the Company or other marketing partners that might be of interest to you.
    • To improve our sites, products/services, customer service, and customer shopping experience.
    • To use your data in an aggregated non-specific format for analytical and demographic purposes.
    • To protect the security or integrity of the Site and our business, such as by protecting against and preventing fraud, unauthorized transactions, claims and other liabilities, and managing risk exposure, including by identifying potential hackers and other unauthorized users.
    • To contact you when necessary or requested, including responding to your questions and comments and providing customer support.
    • As otherwise described to you at the point of data collection.

    Q: What information does the Company share with others?

    A: The Company may share personal information we collect from and about you in the following ways:

    Company Affiliates:  We may share collected information within, the Company’s affiliated companies, and any future additions to the Company’s family of affiliated companies.

    Co-Marketing Partners: Certain areas of the Services may be provided to you in association with third parties, such as companies that provide products and services, rewards programs, conduct joint sales program, sweepstakes, promotional campaigns, and other jointly sponsored events. Such Services will identify the third party. If you elect to register for any products and/or services provided during the Services, you either will be providing your information to both the Company and such third party, or the Company might share your information directly with such third party for that third party to fulfill their products and our products and services directly with you.

    Other Third Parties: The Company may share your information with select partners, affiliates, and other third parties that we believe may have offers or be of interest to you.

    Legal Disclosures; Safety: The Company may transfer and/or disclose the information we receive from and about you to comply with a legal obligation; to provide information to law governmental authorities in accordance with applicable law, and when we believe in good faith that the law requires it. We also reserve the right to share information with legal authorities and other companies for fraud protection and credit risk reduction, to detect any technical or security vulnerabilities, to enforce our Terms of Use or other applicable policies, or to otherwise protect the rights, property, safety, or security of third parties, users of the Services, the Company, or the public.

    Sale of Business: During the normal course of our business, we may sell or purchase assets. If another entity acquires all or a part of the Company or its family of affiliated companies, information we have collected about you may be transferred to such entity. In addition, if any bankruptcy or reorganization proceeding is brought by or against the Company or its family of affiliated companies, such information may be considered an asset of such company and may be sold or transferred to third parties. Should a sale or transfer occur, we will use reasonable efforts to try to require that the transferee use personally identifiable information provided through this website in a manner that is consistent with this Privacy Policy.

    Service Providers: We use third-party service providers to perform certain services on our behalf when the information is necessary for them to perform their duties.

    Aggregate or Anonymous Non-Personal Information: We may also share or sell non-identifiable aggregate or anonymous information with our affiliates, agents, service providers, business partners, or other third parties for their marketing or analytics uses or for other lawful purposes. This type of non-identifiable and aggregate information cannot be used to identify you personally.

    Text Marketing and notifications (if applicable): By entering your phone number in the checkout and initialising a purchase, subscribing via our subscription for or a keyword, you agree that we may send you text notifications (for your order, including abandoned cart reminders) and text marketing offers. Text marketing messages will not exceed X per month. You can unsubscribe from further text messages by clicking on the unsubscribe link. Sending text messages or using automations requires you to feed phone numbers or recipient names into our importer. We will store and use this data to show you campaign analytics and results including message delivery status, sent status, and in some cases whether the purchase resulted in a sale. If you decide to use our link shortener in text messages, we will collect information on whether the link was clicked or not and use it to display results in your analytics. Any other third party service that you may decide to use outside of the scope of (third party link shortener, GA tracking, etc) you will be referred to their specific third party policies which you need to agree with. Upon sending the text messages, we will pass the data to our text messages operator to fulfill their delivery. Information is being shared to our operator only upon initialising a marketing campaign. If your recipients no longer wish to receive messages they have to reply to the message with STOP or reach out to us at the email address below so we can unsubscribe them successfully.

    Q: How can I view, update or remove my information?

    A: If you have made a purchase, you can also contact our Customer Service Department at the email address listed in the "Contact Us" section below to access or update any of this information.

    You may also exercise your rights, subject to applicable laws, to request that we delete or restrict access to your personal data. We may need to retain data for legally permitted purposes and this will be explained to you if necessary.

    Q: What choices do I have about receiving communications from the Company?

    A: If you make a purchase, you will automatically receive promotional emails and direct mail from the Company. We provide our customers with the opportunity to "opt out" of having their information used for purposes not directly related to placement, processing, fulfillment or delivery of a product order. We provide you with the following options if you prefer to "opt out" of receiving information or materials that we think may be of interest to you:

    Electronic Promotional Offers: At all times, you have the option of "opting out" of receiving promotional emails from the sender only by clicking the "unsubscribe" link in any of the promotional emails you receive. In addition, if you have an online account, you may change your email preferences regarding email from us by logging into the "Your Account" section of the website.

    Direct Mail Promotional Offers: If you would like to be removed from our Company catalog mailing list, please contact a Customer Service representative by email to stop receiving paper catalogs.

    Other Contact: In all cases, you may email us at the email address listed in the "Contact Us" section below.

    Q: What are California Privacy Rights?

    A: If you are a California resident, you may request information about our disclosure of personal information to third parties or affiliated companies for their direct marketing purposes of personal information to third parties or corporate affiliates for their direct marketing purposes. To make such request, please submit a written request to the following email address specifying that you want a copy of the Company's "California Privacy Rights" notice: Please include "Attn: California Privacy" in the subject line. We are not responsible for notices that are not labeled or sent properly, or do not have complete information. Please allow up to 30 days for us to process your request. You may submit such a request once per year.

    Non-affiliated third parties are independent from the Company and if you wish to receive information about your disclosure choices or stop communications from such third parties, you will need to contact those non-affiliated third parties directly.

    Q: What about children's privacy?

    A: Protecting children's privacy is important to us, and the Site is not intended for children under the age of thirteen. We do not direct the Site to, nor do we knowingly collect any personal information from, such children. If you are not 18 or older, you are not authorized to use the Services. If the Company learns that a child under the age of thirteen has provided personally identifiable information to the Site, it will use reasonable efforts to remove such information from its files.  Parents should be aware that there are parental control tools available online that you can use to prevent your children from submitting information online without parental permission or from accessing material that is harmful to minors.

    Q: What about security?

    A: We have taken certain physical, administrative, and technical steps to safeguard the information we collect from and about our customers and Site visitors. While we make every effort to help ensure the integrity and security of our network and systems, we cannot guarantee our security measures. When you enter sensitive information (such as credit card information) on our forms, we encrypt the transmission of that information using secure socket layer technology (SSL).

    Q: What about other websites?

    A: Our website may include links to third-party websites that are not affiliated with the Company. These websites may send their own cookies to visitors, collect data or solicit your information. The privacy policies of these other websites may be very different from our policy. We are not responsible for the privacy practices of these other websites and cannot guarantee the security of any personal information you provide to or collected by such third party sites.

    Q: Where and for how long is my data stored?

    A: Your personal information may be stored and processed on servers in the United States/Canada/Hong Kong and is subject to the laws of the United States/Canada/Hong Kong. The servers and databases in which information may be stored may be located outside the country from which you accessed this website and in a country where the data protection and other laws may differ from your country of residence. Your personal information may be disclosed in response to inquiries or requests from government authorities or to respond to judicial process in the countries in which we operate. You consent to any such cross-border transfer of your personal information.

    Personal information that we collect, access or process will be retained only so long as necessary for the fulfillment of the purposes for which it was collected, as necessary for our legitimate business purposes, or as required or authorized by law. Personal information that is no longer required to fulfil the identified purposes will be destroyed, erased or made de-identified or anonymous.

    Q: What if I live internationally?

    A: Our digital operations are conducted, in whole or in part, in the United States/Canada/Hong Kong. Regardless of where you live, you consent to have your personal data transferred, processed and stored in the United States/Canada/Hong Kong, and allow the Company to use and collect your personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

    Q: How does the Company communicate changes to this Policy?

    A: Any changes to our Privacy Policy will be posted here so that you will always know what information we gather, how we might use that information and whether we may disclose it to anyone. Your continued use of the Site following posting of changes to these terms will mean you accept these changes.

    Q: Whom do I contact if I have additional questions or concerns about this policy?  How do I lodge complaints?

    A: We welcome you to reach out if you have any questions or concerns regarding our privacy practices. Please feel free to contact Customer Service of Moderntere via email at For all unsubscribe requests, contact For privacy related questions, contact

    We are transparent about the ways in which we collect and use personal information and welcome your questions and concerns. If you have any concern or complaint about the way we handle your personal information, please contact us at To the extent you believe we have not addressed your concerns or otherwise choose to do so, you have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority in the country where you reside and/or the United States. You may contact the US Federal Trade Commission regarding your concerns. For more information, please see